What is Nutraceutical? nu·tra·ceu·ti·cal

As you can see by the definitions below, the interpretation of the word nutraceutical is as confusing as its name.

The American Heritage Medical Dictionary states nutraceutical is a food or naturally occurring food supplement thought to prevent disease or have other beneficial effects on human health.

Mosbys Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine states nutraceutical is any food supplement that has benefits in addition to its nutritive value.

Collins Dictionary of Biology states nutracuetical is broadly a food or part of a food that provides medical and/or health benefits, including disease treatment and prevention. Nutraceuticals range from specific nutrients, to dietary supplements, herbal products. Processed foods that are labeled nutraceutical include beta carotene, fish oil, garlic, green tea, oat bran, olive oil and various herbs.

Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary states nutraceutical is a nutrient with drug like properties but not legalized 0r recognized as a therapeutic agent.

Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing states nutraceutical is a product derived from a food that is marketed in the form of medicine and demonstrated to have physiologic benefit or to provide protection against chronic disease.

Segen’s Medical Dictionary states nutraceutical is any food or part thereof with medicinal or health benefits, which includes vitamins and herbal products.

Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professionals states nutraceutical is a chemical substance or group of substances that for legal purposes are defines as a nutrient but in face is marketed and used to prevent or treat disease.

Nutrient and Pharmaceutical is how Nutraceutical became a blended name.

However you interpret the meaning, nutritional supplements are everywhere! You see them everyday in your drug store, supermarket, convenience store, on-line pop-up ads and television.

Blue Line Labels prints with modern digital label technology. This allows flexibility for short run printing, multiple copy changes, eye catching label materials and metallic inks all for a low cost per label.


Call Blue Line Labels to discuss adding special printing techniques to make your label design pop for very little or no additional cost from what you are paying now.

We are a full service packaging company and can help to deliver final containers ready to be filled. We can help with labeling your containers, warehousing or creating new label designs, we take the monkey wrench off your back so you can do what you do best and sell your products.

Contact Blue Line Labels at 1-800-609-7079 for all your custom nutracuetical label needs.

Nutraceutical Labels


Digital label printing gives the opportunity to make a visual difference that will draw attention to your product. Using metalized BOPP material looks like a reflective silver mirror chrome like finish. This material and many other materials will create a label that stands out on the shelves and give the perception you are looking to convey.


Need to add instructions, warnings or multiple languages? No problem with our Extended Content Labels. Each booklet configuration is laminated and then permanently applied to the label.


Full Body Shrink Sleeves and Tamper Evident Neck Bands conform to the shape of any unique container. This provides your product full decoration, durability and tamper evident sealing. Shrink Sleeve labeling is fast becoming one of the leading options for it’s 360 degree printing with exciting, eye catching designs.

nutra-supplementWhite BOPP polypropylene label material is our most popular stock customers choose. This material works perfect on white containers, resistant to any liquids, oils and solvents. The print quality is absolutely fantastic, the smallest type is very readable, foil stamping and graphics are crystal clear.

Blue Line Labels delivers your order accurately and on time. Our 20 years of art, design and print experience will assure you of an excellent quality product and a professional cost effective relationship. We can help from concept to completion or anywhere in between.